Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Red Barn

I started this drawing about two weeks ago. I had a lot of progress the first few days working on it, but then I ran into a road block... I did not have my sticky-tak eraser. I took a few days away from it and got my eraser, then proceeded to finish the drawing.  Unfortunately with my inexperience in drawing these larger drawings I tend to lose interest in finishing, for one reason or another. This photo that I have titled "Red Barn" is not complete just yet, but I have made leaps and bounds so far.

On another note, it is day two post surgery. My arm is throbbing in pain, as expected.  This, however, will not effect my drawing capabilities due to my ability to write/draw left handed. It has effected my ability to do most other things. I am very limited to what I can do until my right elbow is healed. 

As always please comment, critique, criticize, bitch, moan, or complain about my drawing. All are welcome.

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