Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Little Bit About Myself

Its been a minute since I have posted a drawing on my blog, trust me though. I am still drawing, however I will not be putting another drawing today. I would like to take the time to tell all of you who visit a little bit about myself.

I am 24 years old and I reside in the wonderful town of Jacksonville, North Carolina. I was born July 4, 1986 in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Depsite being born and living in North Carolina now I spent most of my childhood growing up in Illinois. I am a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps. I have served in the Marines for roughly 3 1/2 years, to include a 11 month deployment to Iraq in 2009. To the left, I have included several recent pictures of myself recieving a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal from the Battery Commanding Officer and my Battery 1st Sgt. If you have questions, please, don't hesitate to ask. OOOORAH, Semper Fi!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Back To The Drawing Books... Literally!

I have decided it is time to take a break from drawing portraits and visit sections of my drawing book that I have not gone through. The next section I encountered was drawing the hand... sounds easy to me. Well it was not easy at all. I have never really had many problems drawing hands, but I have never drawn them in great detail or studied the structure.

Below I have included my results from the first page of tips and tricks of drawing the hand. I can say right now, the tips and tricks were not much help. I ended up trying to mirror the images the visually showed these "helpful" hints. As far as I am concerned, the results are mediocre at best, however it was a good learning experience. Now that I have a little more guidance and focus on what I need to do in order to accomplish my end product I am going to move on to the second page of teach me how to draw the hand. Wish me luck!