Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Teaching Myself to Draw: The Ear

Once I think I have ran out of facial body parts to draw, I turn the page and there is another one. This time the task was to draw the ear.  Doesn't seem so hard initially thinking about it, but the ear is a very abnormal shape.  Once again with the assistance of the drawing book I was able to get a pretty good grasp on the ear. Which body part will come next?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Teaching Myself to Draw: The Nose

I have continued my journey through this never ending art book and I began working on the structure of the nose. Like always, comment on my drawings... good or bad. I don't have too much to say about the nose, other than I had no direction drawing the nose up until now. This book has been very helpful in enhancing my skills and I look forward to the future sections. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Teaching Myself to Draw: The Mouth

Next topic on the agenda of drawing portraits is drawing the mouth. If you have noticed, each one of these sections focuses on a general structure that every body part has in common with each other. The mouth is a fairly simply body part for me to draw by itself, but when I draw a portrait I have a difficult time drawing the structure of the mouth on a face and having all the other facial features be in the same proportion with the mouth. To the right is my work that I did while reading the section on the mouth. The real test will be when I put it all together in a portrait. More to come in the near future... stay tuned. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Teaching Myself to Draw: The Head

As promised... the HEAD!       I became extremely motivated and immediately began working on the following section which was the anatomy as well as the the general layout that may help in order to improve abilities drawing portraits. If you reference this post, which was two blogs ago, you can see while I was jumping around I touched on this section I am discussing now as well as the section on the eye before I decided where to start. 

This section was far more complicated than the eye and rightfully so. However I do not understand why this section was placed second in this drawing book vice after teaching every facial feature and I hope at some point it will all come full circle. More to come... once again, feel free to comment.  

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Eye - Section Complete

After getting started in the drawing book, I locked on the section regarding drawing the eye. I have found it very helpful breaking down parts of the body one by one and teaching myself the general structure of that body part. At first I did not think this would work for me but as I worked through the steps, the final product began to show more and more. The picture on the left is the final step of the section on the eye. Following the completion of each section I am going to focus a piece on that body part, trying to piece everything I learned into a completed piece. 

 I will continue to reiterate that comments, critiques, bitches, moans, and complaints are welcome. No one will go ignored! I now will be shifting my focus to the general layout of the head. Stay tuned for drawing results of the structure and layout of the head.  
Above: Picture I drew, so that I was able to see improvements if any.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Teaching Myself To Draw

Recently I received a Complete Guide to Drawing book as a gift.  I really enjoy to draw, but I have never had guidance to improve my abilities.  So far this book has been everything that I have never had. As I learn new skills and enhance my current abilities I will post my so called homework pieces, feel free to critique or comment. 

I jumped around in the drawing book when I first received it. Below is my pencil work regarding face proportions as well as the beginning of teaching myself to draw "the eye."