Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Blog Is the Unpopular Kid?!? What?!?

I ran across this article on CNN.com, aparently it's suggesting that my blog is boring... interesting!  Instead of just calling me boring they have suggested ways to improve me blog... Okay I'm listening?  To sum it up this is what I need to do:

1. Pick a specific item to post about, narrow down my topic.

2. Join a blogging community that share the topic that I picked.

3. Redesign my blog.

4. Learn grammar and proper english.

Lets see if it works. As I accomplish these four tasks I will update you.  Don't expect a miracle over night, step 3 is suggesting I learn HTML. That could take me years and on top of that if I have to relearn step 4 I am way behind the learning curve.

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