Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Been A Minute

I have fallen away from writing in my blog and for no one reason, but the general thought that I do not have time for this. Regardless of the fact, I think writing is an excellent outlet for my frustration and festering thoughts.  I have always been told that allowing emotions and thoughts/memories to fester will only create more problems in the future. It may be easier to push them to the side or lock them away than dealing with them when they are fresh in the mind. I have experienced plenty of events in my life that I wish I had not had to and plenty of times I have asked why me? All in all the only thing that I can come up with is that these things would not happen to me if I was not strong enough to handle them. Guess what? I am still here, and I am still moving along. All that being said from the next post on I will take a journey through my life. Everyone who wishes to jump on this train of emotion, heartbreak and sorrow the ride is free... comments are welcome but all will require moderation by myself.

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