Sunday, May 29, 2011

Catching On... Slowly

After numerous attempts at drawing a portrait that looks like a real person, yes just a real person, I think I have accomplished my mission. With the thanks of a friend's (Beth ;) ) picture as my object to draw I was able to draw a portrait and get some constructive criciticism. I found out in the end that I am the most critical of my drawings or atleast that is the what my subject conveyed to me. I hope you all enjoy the drawing. Once again... constructive criticism is encouraged and/or any comments. Thanks!

Friday, May 27, 2011

And The Beat Keeps Running...

So... I'm inspired. I have been extremely happy with the results of my drawings and I only expect for them to get better. The two drawings that I have posted, I drew over the past 2-3 days. I was wondering where the drawing book was going by drawing every facial feature by itselt, but now the book has encooperated all of them into a portrait. By drawing and viewing the objects the way the drawing book has advised has really helped my art vision to encompass the important aspects of each drawing I do.

However, I can say that no matter how a drawing turns out in the end, it is a rollercoaster drawing the picture along the way; nothing is ever smooth or easy, along the way it sometimes is frustrating (you would like to kick the person running the ride in the face and stop completely!), and ultimately as good as everyone else thinks it is, I am always double guessing it. Please leave critiques on anything you think I can improve myself on. Thanks, come again!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tear Drop

Tear Drop
This pictures is very simple but it came to mind. It did not take me very long to draw this picture, and I definitely could do more to it to improve it... BUT I do not want to destroy what I have by doing to much. I will settle for this right now and possibly revisit this piece in the future. I am returning to the Drawing Book that I have; Next topic: Drawing the Hand. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Angel Of Death

Angel of Death
As you can see, I have got a bit off topic with the portraits... but I had a vision and I went with it. Alot of the pictures that I draw, from a topic of my choice, are usually in some way, shape, or form related to my emotions at that specific point in time. Obviously my most recent drawing that I have titled "Angel of Death" (I hope you can figure out why!?) was drawn throughout a very stressful point of my life. I will be revisiting the drawing book very shortly, this break from the book is needed. Please post comments and criticisms of drawings and blogs. Until next time...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Portrait - Rough Attempt (Part Duece)

It took a couple days, but I have finally made time to post what picture I was drawing from.  The recent traffic and comments (Thanks Jess and Mom) has inspired me to post again... here we go. As you see, I have reposted my drawing, followed by the original picture I was drawing from. This should be a good indicator of how well the drawing book has helped thus far. Constructive criticism is encouraged.
I am currently working on another drawing, it is off topic however it is turning out really well. I will post more tomorrow and if I am not complete... you may even get a preview.


Sunday, May 08, 2011

Portrait - Rough Attempt

Okay... I made an attempt at drawing a face, tell me if you can guess who it is? Will post the picture of the person I was drawing next post. Let me know what you think of my drawing. Thanks!